Why Literature of Restoration?

Because writers are called to bear witness and create values and culture.

Because conventional literature leads—albeit unwittingly—to the current global catastrophes—environmental destruction and social, political, military conflict.

Because all life is threatened.

  1. Because extinction looms greater every day.
  2. Because the air, the waters, the soil, are poisoned.
  3. Because the forests are burning.
  4. Because we are involved in endless wars against nations, peoples, women, races, any ‘others’ and Earth.
  5. Because we need to honor and learn from Indigenous wisdom, culture, values, languages, ceremonies, rituals, and ways of life
  6. Because Elders are essential to a wise culture. Because writers can be Elders
  7. Because money is replacing vision and commerce has replaced wisdom.
  8. Because writers are responsible to the world not to commercial interests, their own or others’.
  9. Because “things” might not matter.
  10. Because values need to be considered evaluated.
  11. Because life forms are not commodities.
  12. Because contemporary language need not be violent, combative or militarized.
  13. Because literature does not require a central conflict.
  14. Because peace building can be more interesting and challenging then aggression.
  15. Because valuing domination, hierarchy, judgment, superiority, status, rank, privilege, and power will destroy all of us.
  16. Because truth telling and being trustworthy is essential.
  17. Because praise, respect generosity and heart are sustaining.
  18. Because ecology is a dynamic form.
  19. Because listening is a source of wisdom.
  20. Because science is only one form of knowing.
  21. Because dreaming, divination, intuition are essential ways of understanding.
  22. Because diversity sustains us in all aspects of our life
  23. Because we are being deprived of ethical discourse.
  24. Because inter-connection is beyond ego.
  25. Because spirit exists and can guide us.
  26. Because place is under assault.
  27. Because there is a world of intelligence in the non-human spheres.
  28. Because we can no longer be human centric.
  29. Because Beauty is as essential as water.
  30. Because the Elementals are articulate.
  31. Because Story is alive.
  32. Because Earth is alive.
  33. Because we must protect and sustain all life.

Because conventional literature leads—albeit unwittingly—to the current global catastrophes—environmental destruction and social, political, military chaos.

-Deena Metzger